Thermal Grizzly AM5 Contact Sealing Frame örgjörvafesting

  • 5.990 kr

Afhendingartími 1-3 virkir dagar

Thermal Grizzly AM5 Contact Frame örgjörvafestingin tryggir að AMD örgjörvinn liggi þétt og rétt við örgjörvasocketið, sem jafnar og hámarkar snertiflöt og þar með hitaleiðni við örgjörvakælingu.

Combination of contact frame and CPU guard

The AM5 Contact & Sealing Frame is a combination of Contact Frame and CPU-Guard for AMD's Ryzen-7000 processors. As a Contact Frame, the AM5 Contact & Sealing Frame creates optimal contact pressure of the CPU into the socket, while an optional, included inlay made of silicone foam serves to protect the exposed components on the CPU.

  • Encloses the heatspreader
  • Replaces the SAM of the mainboard
  • Made of anodized aluminium

Optimized Inner Contour for Even Pressure Distribution
The precision-milled inner contour of the AM5 Contact & Sealing Frame creates multiple contact points to the heatspreader compared to the standard SAM. These contact points distribute the contact pressure on the CPU evenly. This ensures that the contact surfaces of the CPU rest uniformly on the pins of the socket. For example, problems with the detection of system memory can be avoided this way.

Innovative Silicone Foam Inlay for Protection and Sealing
The AM5 Contact & Sealing Frame comes with a silicone foam inlay. This can be placed on the PCB of the processor, similar to the AMD Ryzen 7000 CPU Guard. When installing the AM5 Contact & Sealing Frame, the gap between the heatspreader and the aluminium frame is sealed by the silicone foam by pressing the foam onto the PCB. This prevents thermal paste or liquid metal from getting onto the CPU's unprotected components. The foam inlay is optional when used with thermal pastes, but mandatory when used with liquid metal.